Thursday, March 17, 2011

What defines a marriage...............

I am so disgusted with the narrow mindedness about same sex marriage and what the perception of so many Americans.

I recently attended a regular event in the apartment complex where I live and where the subject of same sex marriage was discussed.  I try to keep on the quiet side at these gatherings as my politics and philosophies are much more liberal than most of the people that live here.  There was varying opinions as to why people are gay and some of the comments were surprising to say the least; clearly, these people are in a time warp.  I listened to all that I could take and had to speak up when it was stated that the Constitution sets out the law on the definition of marriage.  I stated that it does not, then it was stated that it must be an Amendement; again I stated that was not the case.  Then a woman, who had been the most outspoken, said "Well, it must be in the Declaration of Independence then!"  At first I was speechless, then annoyed, with anger rising.  I did not want to get into this one.  I politely stated that "I would check on that one if I were you."  The next step was to excuse myself for the evening and go back to my apartment.  I cannot believe that people are either so naive, stupid, or just ignorant!  How did they make it through school without learning the foundation of this country?  There is often reports that state that the education system has become so bad that they just pass students from one class to the next even though they do not meet the criteria.  These people that live here are all at least 55 and on that particular night I don't think that anyone was younger than 65!  What is the excuse for these people?  I often think that I should write a sit-com outline on the wild and crazy things that go on and the "interesting" comments and conversations that transpire.  It would certainly be entertaining.

Today I received an e-mail from Diane Feinstein stating that she is submitting repeal of the "Defense of Marriage Act".  We all need to support this effort that Ms. Feinstein is putting forth, along with the Courage Campaign.  Everyone in this country must stop being complacent about the actions that are happening in our National government, our states, counties, and cities.  We must voice our opinions by e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, phone calls and whatever method we can.  Be the first in your community to speak up, but make sure that you check out the facts about what you wish to convey before making statements, not everyone will let an embarrassing statement just pass, they may attack you with a very strong opinion.

It will be wonderful when we all learn to tolerate our differences and act in understanding and love!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Food Prices and Other Things

Heard on the news last week that food costs have increased 29% since a year ago.  I was at Walmart recently to buy a few things and was appalled that Yoplait yogurt had increased in price by 8 cents a container in two weeks.  This happened has happened before; several months ago I realized other extreme price increases there.  They have also changed some of their products by having smaller package weights with the same prices that were charged perhaps six to eight months ago. 

There was another issue at Walmart, I a great commercial for “Cuties” (you know those yummy little tangerines that come in a box, or for us single folks a bag with a lesser weight amount); I picked up a bag and my fingers went through the bag and through the fruit!  YUK!  I quickly dropped that bag and reached for another and the same thing happened.  I decided not to purchase the “Cuties” at Walmart and found one of the produce stocking people; who quickly agreed to take care of the mess.  When I had completed my shopping on my way to the checkout stand I noticed that there was still a mess there; however, the two bags that I had touched were gone (hopefully to the trash bin).  I noticed a woman in the produce department who had on a badge that stated her name and that she was a department manager.  I asked her if she managed the produce department, she did so I told her of the issue.  She went to the area, saw the mess and thanked me for telling her.

On that same shopping trip I purchased a package of small euro cucumbers, the seedless variety.  They are usually very good.  Walmart had them packaged as “pickling cucumbers”.  The packaging is incorrect, these cucumbers are similar to the hot house cucumbers but are smaller; often referred to as Persian or Euro cucumbers they are seedless.  I was looking forward to including some in my salad that evening.  When I opened the package all six were soft, and had started rotting on the bottom. 

I have made my last trip to Walmart for groceries; perhaps everything.  I have learned that if you shop the standard super markets you can save much more than what you might pay at Walmart when taking advantage of the “rewards” cards and using coupons.  I have created a spreadsheet that includes all of the markets, the food and household products that I need then enter the price of the items in the appropriate column.  If the items are not on sale I don’t purchase on that shopping trip; however, I often find that these items are on sale, just not advertised.  My largest savings on a shopping trip thus far is $48.XX.  I am sure that there are many people that do something similar – I never have but am excited that I have learned something new in my old age.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What’s happening in Washington? ….the proposed Republican budget.

We need to educate ourselves on everything that is happening in Washington.  We can no longer just allow our representatives to do what they or their peers or contributors wish to do without concern of all citizens.  Without knowing what the ramifications of the actions are of our representatives and how theses actions affect everyone will bring many surprises to many. 

We can no longer just think of ourselves, we must have concern of our fellow citizens.  We can no longer leave the representatives to do just what they please but what we want them to do; they work for us.  They are not doing what they have promised to do; they are creating other issues that most people do not know about without further investigation, which we must do ourselves and form our individual opinion with our gained knowledge.  It takes time and tenacity for each and everyone of us to be responsible for what happens in this country.

I have recently had the brutal realization since moving to Arizona that the majority of the general public is uninformed, do not take the time to be informed, and in some cases they are very ignorant to what is happening and how the system works.

The remainder of the content of this issue was sent to members of on Monday, March 7, 2011.  If you do not agree with the content of this information, or think that it is incorrect, please research the issue independently and think of how these issues will affect you, your family, and your community.

 TEXT BELOW FROM MOVEON.ORG (with some editing)

This week, Congress could cut a deal on the budget. And if Republicans get their way, billions will be cut from vital programs that millions of Americans count on—while tax cuts for the richest are protected.

But most people don't have any idea what's at stake—and how devastating these cuts would be to their communities—even though the cuts could take effect within weeks. So we're launching an emergency campaign to spread the word. Republicans want to gut programs with enormous public support, and hope no one notices. So it's up to all of us to spark a public outcry before it's too late.

The devastating impact these cuts will have on our country—and on your community—is unprecedented. Check out the list below. If we can get it out to a million people, we can start to sound the alarm and stop the GOP. Click here to post on Facebook and Twitter, or simply forward this email.
Thanks for all you do.

–Daniel, Peter, Carrie, Kat, and the rest of the team

The Republican budget would:

1. Destroy 700,000 jobs, according to an independent economic analysis.

2. Zero out federal funding for National Public Radio and public television.
3. Cut $1.3 billion from community health centers—which will deprive more than 3 million low-income people of health care over the next few months.

4. Cut nearly a billion dollars in food and health care assistance to pregnant women, new moms, and children.

5. Kick more than 200,000 children out of pre-school by cutting funds for Head Start.

6. Force states to fire 65,000 teachers and aides, dramatically increasing class sizes, thanks to education cuts.

7. Cut some or all financial aid for 9.4 million low- and middle-income college students.

8. Slash $1.6 billion from the National Institutes of Health, a cut that experts say would "send shockwaves" through cancer research, likely result in cuts to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's research, and cause job losses.

9. End the only federal family planning program, including cutting all federal funding that goes to Planned Parenthood to support cancer screenings and other women's health care.

10. Send 10,000 low-income veterans into homelessness by cutting in half the number of veterans who get housing vouchers this year.

1. "GOP spending plan would cost 700,000 jobs, new report says," The Washington Post, February 28, 2011

2. "GOP budget would cut funding for public broadcasting," The Washington Independent, February 14, 2011

3. "NACHC Statement in Response to the Budget from the House Appropriations Committee," National Association of Community Health Centers website, accessed March 4, 2011

4."Bye Bye, Big Bird. Hello, E. Coli.," The New Republic, February 12, 2011

5. "Obama and the GOP's Spending Cuts: Where's the Outrage?" Mother Jones, February 18, 2011

6. "Deficit Reduction on the Backs of the Most Vulnerable," Center for American Progress, March 2011

7. "The GOP Budget and Cancer—Why New Research Is at Risk," Politics Daily, February 27, 2011

8. "Republican Budget Cuts at Heart of Medical Research: Albert Hunt," Bloomberg, February 20, 2011

9. "Durbin: Cuts to NIH put research jobs at risk," Business Week, February 28, 2011

10. "GOP Spending Plan: X-ing Out Title X Family Planning Funds," Wall Street Journal, February 9, 2011

11. "House GOP Spending Cuts Would Prevent 10,000 Low-Income Veterans From Receiving Housing Assistance," Think Progress, March 1, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

KUDOS to the Wyoming Legislature

I was elated when I watched the news yesterday and saw that  Republicans in the Wyoming Legislature stood up against the prejudices of some of their bigoted peers!  Way to go!!

Now if those that changed the tide in Wyoming can just pass their statements to others in this country perhaps we shall be on our way to SANITY in this country.  Some of us attempt to educate those that are ill-informed or ignorant to fact and because of the rhetoric by some of the "crazies" out there it is very frustrating.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ethics in America - Scott Walker


I have been on vacation, spent a few days with my sisters in Indio, CA.  It was great!  Now I am into the swing of things and have so much to say. 

The news has been so full of material it was like I had a smorgasbord in front of me as I tried to make a decision what to "chew" on first.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is a narcissistic creep.  Others in history with the same traits that come to mind are Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and the recent ejected Middle Eastern leaders.  His decision to “punish” the people in unions that did not support him in the fall election by removing the freedom of collective bargaining is contemptible.  Please note that the fire-fighters that were in the crowd in many of the news clip videos supporting the unions who are being “penalized”.  These same reports also came from friends who attended these rallies.  His irate refusal to negotiate with anyone about the issue is outrageous and, in my opinion, Un-American!  His narcissistic thought that he can send troopers to “collect” the state legislators that refuse to attend the lynching of the people is appalling!  If the majority of the people in Wisconsin disagree with him where is the move to recall the election and boot his ass out office?  Come on Wisconsin; show him that the people rule.

Shame on the Republican legislators in Wisconsin for supporting this idiot!  I am in agreement with so many that have stated over the past two plus weeks that this is taking labor back a hundred years.  Arguments that have been mentioned on the collective bargaining is the issues that affect all states that teachers who are not meeting the mark are allowed by the unions to be in “tenure” and cannot be penalized.  That is the fault of the school districts!  The school districts need to monitor with assessments of the employees.  The unions do not monitor the quality of teaching.  Many representatives throughout the country have made this perfectly clear in interviews; however, many moderators and interviewers must have the same mentality as Scott Walker or they are so into their own agenda that they ignore what these people are trying to say.

To the people of this wonderful country:  GET INVOLVED!!!  Stop allowing the few to rule this land.  Those of us who are fair and equal treatment of everyone are so conscious of not wanting to rock the boat that we often allow people who are creating their own agenda with their egos, greed, and down right meanness run rampant through the streets spreading their vile filth, lies, and hatred thus creating a temperament that is not positive.  I often take the “it is as it is” path; however, I feel that I can no longer be silent about the inadequacies that are being set out for all to see.  We all need to speak up without violence, get involved in organizations that support our beliefs, send letters to government representatives, send letters to newspapers, post on Twitter and Facebook accounts to support what we believe.

GO AMERICA!  As the MS NBC banner states “LEAN FORWARD”!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Discontinue deciding what anyone else should or shouldn't be doing....

The above title is a quote from Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and is related to the 34th verse of the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu, which advises us not to tell others who are responsible for making their own choices on how we think that they should make their choices.

In years past I was probably one of the worst offenders of this action.  I was very opinionated on just about everything, offering my opinion whether it was solicited or not, often interrupting people and totally pissing them off.  However, I was in such an egotistical fog that I did not know, or care, what they thought of my rudeness.

When I was a teen I became intrigued with Eastern philosophies and religions, although not realizing that these philosophies are not of the egoic thoughts that plague our brain, but of the spirit, the One Source that rules the universe.  I had always approached my new "learning" academically as I had been taught not to question the Bible, but to dress up on Sunday to go to church listening to judgemental comments about anyone and everyone, experiencing intolerance of different races, cultures, and lifestyles in the home and at church.  All of this was okay because we went to church on Sunday.  There was never any explanation of spiritual development, perhaps because it had never been experienced; because if it had, the intolerance, prejudice, and judging would not have existed or it would have been addressed properly.

I was enthralled with Oprah and the journey that she offered on her show over the years, sharing new authors with "new to me" experiences to read about.  I became aware of quantum physics and read several books on that seeing the relativity of the One Source but not grasping how I could share that journey.  However, not giving up, I perservered as I knew that there was something out there that would touch my life someday and sensed that I was on the correct path.  I began to sense the acceptance of the spiritual connection in baby steps as time creeped by on this journey.  Often reading books repetetivily hoping that something would pop for me I continued searching.

About four years ago I discovered two books and, in addition to a third, my life has changed.  Not that it has been an overnight sensation, but a slow and wonderful experience as one door after another opens allowing me to see new perspectives on so many levels.  Often reading the Power of Now (Eckhart Tolle) and Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life (Dr. Wayne Dyer) in tandem I discovered that both of these teachers were teaching me the same substance; however, in varying ways, both were on the same path and I wanted to be there with them.  As I have progressed on this journey my biggest fault has been trying to keep my thoughts and judgements to myself and dealing with retrospect of the change that is happening in me because of the awareness and enlightenment that is transpiring.

I know that there will be judgements cast toward me on my decision to share these thoughts as it will be construed as being against the mainstream of the religious community of how I was raised and what is popular today in this country; however, it is as it is and I am going where I wish to travel on this spiritual journey.  I am finally liking who am as each day brings a new release of spiritual growth, happy to be unencumbered with the anger, the frustrations, the bitterness, the unforgiving nature, the hatred, and resentement that has previously consumed me.  Happy to be free of the "stuff" that has weighted me down most of my life.  Free of hoarding "stuff", simplifying my life and being given space in this time to enjoy my family.

As noted previously, this sometimes is not easy as perodically there is a slip back to the old self; however, as time progresses that state of "mind" quickly dissipates when, suddenly I take a breath and, outloud, state, "stop"!  Living without that frustration of thinking that I can control everything and just allow things to flow and let be what is happening just be is so much easier.  So I just get on my imaginary surf board and ride the wave.  (Some who know me may think that this is a humorous metophor for me to use as I do not swim and of course do not surf.  However, I have seen it and it looks awsome, just have not tried it.  Perhaps someday.)

I am very blessed to have a wonderful family who enrich my everyday.  I take time to enjoy my my son Scott, his wife Veronica and my outragiously beautiful, intelligent, and fun grandchildren Josh and Alyssa.  It is very difficult not to be the "pest" that I was once was with them, I curb my time as they have so many things going on their lives.  In the day, I would not think twice about just popping in on them.  I have learned that we do not own our children; as Khalil Gibran states " Your children are not your children.  They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.  They come through you but not from you."

Other blessings are my other families, my sister, Martha, her husband Jerry and their daughters and families - Stephanie and Kelly Abbott, David and Will; and Heather and Jason Nicol, Micaela and Morgan.  My other "sister", Jan Jones has been inspirational to me for many years and I love her very much. 

I no longer live in monetary wealth but am experiencing so many more riches that has far surpassed that old life.

Namaste my friends.

The books referenced:
Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life, 2007, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
The Power of Now, 1999, Eckhart Tolle
A New Earth, 2005, Eckhart Tolle

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This Too Shall Pass....

After the settling in of the tragic shooting in Tucson on Saturday I have discovered that there are too many people in our country that are pointing fingers in many directions as to whom is to blame.  The right is going off in extreme defense, the left is throwing out accusations; there is even one extreme group that is claiming that the shooting is a result of a government conspiracy, which is complete lunacy in my opinion.  Those who have been negative in their actions and language will not take responsibility but have comments to justify what they have said or done. 

This, to me, is just insanity perpetuating itself!  It all stems from truly inflated egos and greed which is so disappointing.  Most of the people who are the most vocal are our extremist government officials and extremist media celebrities (not true journalists).  These people are those that fuel the rage of others who are under-educated, ill informed or naive, either by their own choice or by their cultural circumstances.  These extremist comments and actions do influence those that follow them to, in some cases, take the extreme comments further with violence against innocents.

Everyone in this country must take inventory of their own thoughts and actions; reflect upon how their day to day living is perceived by those around them.  We must change the constant of judgmental and incivility thought and actions that is prevalent in this country to that of love, tolerance, acceptance, respect, civility and positive influence and action.  We must start with ourselves and stop the insanity of inflated egos.  If we stop to reflect upon our thoughts before we speak or act we will be a closer step to love of our fellow countrymen and the civility that would bring peace.

My challenge to my fellow Americans is to make a commitment to make the changes needed to truly love others.  Change your constant to be one of love and civility.  Find the root of peace with each other.  As we know the only constant in life is change, so we know that it is possible to change with love and civility for others.

The 16th verse of the Tao Te Ching, written over 2500 years ago by Lau Tsu, in the translation of Dr. Wayne Dyer's book Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life is a perfect example of reflection to change the constant in your life.

Become totally empty.
Let your heart be at peace.
Amidst the rush of worldly comings and going,
observe how endings become beginnings.

Things flourish, each by each,
only to return to the Source...
to what is and what is to be.

To return to the root is to find peace.
To find peace is to fulfill one's destiny.
To fulfill one's destiny is to be constant.
To know the constant is called insight.
Not knowing this cycle
leads to eternal disaster.

Knowing the constant gives perspective.
This perspective is impartial.
Impartiality is the highest nobility;
the highest nobility is Divine.

Being Divine, you will be at one with the Tao.
Being at one with the Tao is eternal.
This way is everlasting,
not endangered by physical death.

I believe in all paths that lead to God so you may substitute your name for the Tao, which is our Source by whatever name you use.